Thursday, 3 September 2015

Contoh Dialogue Appointment

Contoh 1
Membuat perjanjian dengan teman melihat konser musik
Anna  :           Hi Bella, Where did you go last night? I saw you in hurry driving your                     car.
Bella   :           Hi Anna, Oh last night I had an appointment with my little sister to                           attend her birthday party.
Anna  :           Hmm, that's why you were in hurry last night.
Bella   :           Yup, you're right. Anyway. Where are you going now?
Anna  :           I am going to Husada hospital to make an appointment with Dr Annabel                to check my eyes.
Bella   :           Get well soon Anna, anyway have you heard about the Adele concert                    in Bandung next week?
Anna  :           Of course I have. She's my favorite singer, hehe. Do you want to attend                 her concert?
Bella   :           I do but if you accompany me.
Anna  :           Ok. I need to check my weekly schedule to we whether we can go                     or not. I'll call you later.
Bella   :           Yup, I am waiting Anna..

Contoh 2
Membuat perjanjian dengan Dokter
Secretary       :           Good morning. What can I do for you miss?
Anna              :           Good morning. I’m Anna. I am here to meet Dr. Annabel to                                        check my eyes.
Secretary       :           Have you made the appointment with her?
Anna              :           Yes I have. Yesterday I called her and she told me to come to                                   her office at 10 o’clock.
Secretary       :           But now Dr. Annabel is still attending the meeting. Would you                                  mind waiting her?
Anna              :           Hmm, how long has it been? And what time does the meeting                                  over?
Secretary       :           it started at 9 o’clock and probably will be over at twelve o’clock.
Anna              :           I cannot wait for her until twelve o’clock. I’d like to change my                                 appointment with her. Can you rearrange the appointment                                  for me?
Secretary       :           With my pleasure miss. Let me check her schedule first. Hmm                                  how about tomorrow at nine o’clock? She will be available.
Anna              :           Ok. Tomorrow at nine o’clock, thanks.
Secretary       :           You’re welcome.

Membuat Janji dalam Bahasa Inggris

Berikut adalah beberapa kalimat yang sering digunakan dalam membuat janji dalam Inggris:
I'd like to make an appointment with Doctor Armstrong, please.
Saya ingin membuat janji untuk betemu dengan dokter Armstrong.
Would you like to arrange a meeting with Mr. Aaron Donovan?
Apakah Anda ingin membuat janji dengan Tuan Aaron Donovan?
You will have to arrange my appointment with your boss.
Anda harus mengganti janji bertemu saya dengan bos Anda.
Your appointment will be next Tuesday at nine o'clock.
Janji Anda hari kamis pukul sembilan pagi.
I couldn't come for the appointment yesterday because I was ill.
Saya tidak dapat memenuhi janji bertemu kemarin karena saya sakit.
I want to change my appointment tomorrow from ten o'clock to eleven o'clock
Saya ingin mengganti janji bertemu saya besok, dari pukul sepuluh menjadi pukul sebelas.
She called this morning to cancel her appointment with you
Ia menelpon tadi pagi untuk membatalkan janji bertemu dengan Anda.
I have to check my schedule before making an appointment with anyone
Saya harus memeriksa agenda jadwal saya sebelum membuat janji bertemu dengan siapapun.


Contoh 1:
Hello, this is Mr. Edward's office. This is his secretary speaking. May I help you?
Halo, ini kantor Tuan Edwards. Ini sekretarisnya yang berbicara. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?
May I speak to Mr. Edwards, please?
Bisakah saya bicara dengan Tuan Edwards?
I'm sorry, but Mr. Edwards is currently on a business trip. May I know who's speaking please?
Maaf, tapi saat ini Tuan Edwards sedang tugas luar kota. Boleh saya tahu siapa ini?
This is Doris Lee. When will Mr. Edwards be back?
Ini Doris Lee. Kapankah Tuan Edwards akan kembali?
Mr. Edwards will be away for a few days, Miss Lee, but I don't know when he will be back exactly.
Tuan Edwards akan pergi selama beberapa hari, Nona Lee, tapi saya tidak tahu pasti kapan beliau akan kembali.
If that so, then I would like to make an appointment with Mr. Edwards please.
Kalau begitu saya ingin membuat janji bertemu dengan Tuan Edwards.
Would you wait a moment, Miss Lee? I have to check Mr. Edward's agenda before making appointments.
Bisakah Anda menunggu sebentar, Nona Lee? Saya harus memeriksa agenda Tuan Edwards sebelum membuat janji pertemuan.
Okay, I'll wait.
Baiklah, saya akan menunggu.
I can arrange an appointment next week, Friday at eleven o'clock. Is that alright with you, Miss Liee?
Saya bisa menjadwalkan pertemuan minggu depan, Jumat pukul sebelas. Apakah anda bisa Nona Lee?
Next week will do. Thank you very much.
Minggu depan boleh. Terima kasih banyak.

Contoh 2:
Hello, may I speak to doctor Anderson?
Halo, bisakah saya bicara dengan dokter Anderson?
Yes, this is he. Who's speaking please?
Ya, saya sendiri. Siapa ini?
Good morning doctor. This is Ann Smith. I am sorry to bother you this morning but I have to cancel out appointment today.
Selamat pagi dokter, ini Ann Smith. Maaf mengganggu Anda pagi ini tapi saya harus membatalkan janji bertemu kita hari ini.
It's okay, Ann, but there is something wrong? You never cancelled your appointment with me before.
Tidak apa-apa, Ann, tapi apakah ada sesuatu yang terjadi? Kamu tidak pernah membatalkan janjimu denganku?
When I made that appointment the other day, I forgot that I actually have to attend my older sister's graduation. Then I'll be going away for a week for a summer camp. That's why I have to cancel my appointment with you. I'll make new appointment when I'm back.
Ketika saya membuat janji bertemu dengan Anda beberapa hari lalu, saya lupa kalau saya seharusnya menghadiri wisuda kaka perempuan saya. Lalu saya harus pergi selama seminggu untuk kemah musim panas. Karena itulah saya membatalkan janji bertemu saya dengan Anda. Saya akan membuat janji baru ketika saya kembali.
You've a very busy girl, aren't you Ann? I am not going to consider that as a cancellation, but a postponement of appointment. Do you agree with me, Ann?
Kamu gadis yang sangat sibuk ya, Ann? Aku tidak akan menganggapnya sebagai sebuah pembatalan tapi penundaan janji. Apakah kamu setuju denganku, Ann?
Thank you, doctor Anderson, you're the best.
Terima kasih, dokter Anderson, Anda memang yang terbaik

Contoh 3
Good morning, Jeremy. I'm so glad to see you today.
Selamat pagi, Jeremy. Aku sangat senang bisa bertemu denganmu hari ini.
What's up Jenny?
Apa kabar Jenny?
Never been better. I just want to say how sorry I am for not showing up at our appointment yesterday. I had to accompany my cousin to attend her friend's wedding. I was in a hurry that I didn't have the time to call you.
Tidak pernah sebaik ini. Aku hanya ingin mengatakan betapa menyesalnya aku karena tidak muncul pada janji pertemuan kita kemarin. Aku harus menemani sepupuku menghadiri pernikahan temanya. Aku begitu terburu-buru hingga tak sempat menghubungimu.
Relax, don't feel bad about it. We can arrange another appointment, but be sure you show up. You're lucky your personal lawyer is your best friend, if not, can you imagine how much you have to pay him?
Santai saja, jangan merasa bersalah. Kita bisa membuat janji baru, tapi harus kamu tepati. Kau beruntung pengacara pribadimu adalah sahabatmu, jika tidak, bisa bayangkan berapa banyak kamu harus membayarnya?
Yes, I know how lucky I am to have you as a best friend and a personal lawyer. I'll make it up to you.
Ya, aku tahu. betapa beruntungnya aku memilikimu sebagai sahabatku dan juga pengacara pribadiku. Terserah kamu bagaimana aku harus membayar kesalahanku.
Well, dinner at the finest restaurant will do, how about that?
Makan malam di restoran terbaik juga tidak apa-apa, bagaimana menurutmu?
There's nothing I would do for my best friend.
Tak ada sesuatu yang tak akan kulakukan untuk sahabatku.

Berbicara Melalui Telepon dalam Bahasa Inggris

Berikut adalah beberapa kalimat yang sering digunakan dalam berbicara melalui telepon dalam bahasa Inggris:

Hello. This is John Wells. Who's speaking please?
Halo. Ini dengan John Wells. Siapa ini?
Is Catherine Woods there?
Apakah Catherine Woods ada disana?
Hello. Is this Vivian Lee?
Halo. Apakah ini Vivian Lee?
Will you hold the line for a moment?
Bisakah anda menunggu sebentar?
I am sorry, but you called the wrong number.
Maaf, tapi anda salah sambung.
What is your cellphone number, please?
Berapakah nomor HP anda?
Thank you for calling
Terima kasih telah menelpon.


Contoh 1:
Hello. Andy Jensen speaking. Who is this?
Halo. Andy Jensen bicara disini. Siapa ini?
This is Mark Pierson. May I speak to Laura Casey please?
Ini Mark Pierson. Bisakah saya berbicara dengan Laura Casey?
Can you wait a moment while I get her?
Bisakah anda menunggu sebentar sementara saya memanggilnya?

Contoh 2: 

Hello. Is Dylan Watkins at home?
Halo. Apakah Dylan Watkins ada di rumah?
Who is calling, please?
Dengan siapa saya bicara?
This is Emily Simmons.
Ini Emily Simons.
Dylan is out at the moment. Do you want to leave message for Dylan?
Dylan saat ini sedang keluar. Apakah anda ingin meninggalkan pesan untuk Dylan?
No. Thanks. I'll call back in an hour.
Tidak. Terima kasih. Saya akan menelpon kembali satu jam lagi.
Do you know Dylan's cell phone number? If you do, you can contact him on his cell phone
I am sure he doesn't mind.
Apakah anda tahu nomor HP Dylan? Jika anda tahu, anda bisa menghubungi HPnya, saya yakin dia tidak akan keberatan.
Okay. I'll call his cell phone then. Thank you.
Baiklah, saya akan menelpon HPnya kalau begitu. Terima kasih.

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